Mother of American Modernism?

Georgia O'Keeffe, 1887 - 1986
An American Icon.

Georgia O'Keeffe

'A rare opportunity to see over 100 remarkable paintings by this pioneer of twentieth-century art' An exhibition that I has been on my horizon all summer but somehow I didn't feel the inclination to go, I have never loved her work but the late night opening on Friday gave me little excuse...

It was an unmissable opportunity to see more of her work, do I like it -no, but I do possibly understand more about her and her life. The black white photographs by her husband, Alfred Stieglitz, are a compelling snapshot into her world.

Jimson Weed/White Flower No. 1 1932 (above), the most expensive painting by a female artist ever sold at auction!

'The exhibition of this enigmatic and often sinister American painter will examine her signature matter which in other hands could be mere flowers' The Independent

'O’Keeffe more than holds her own as an American modernist — with the added power of a deep and authentic joy' The Times


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