'The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love colour the most' John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice.
Having just jumped back on the train to London after a wonderful and restorative week in Scotland with the kiddies for their half term holiday, it seemed the perfect time to document our week.
Having grown up in Scotland I love being able to give my little people a tiny slice of my childhood and honestly what better time to go than the autumn. The light, the colours and the huge skies completely blew me away. The mix of greens, yellows, oranges, browns are magical - no where can these colours be found better than in nature and of course my photographs hardly do them justice. The scottish air is the best tonic after the London smog and our daily walks became the highlight of our week and led to the start of my plans for new and exciting projects, having blown all my cobwebs away.
One of our favourite walks was to the 15th century fortress of Castle Campbell that is dramatically situated above Dollar Glen. We climbed up from Dollar via the burn of Sorrow and the castle appears as if out of the nowhere, sitting magestically at the top of the glen, the perfect text book castle.