“Fleur by Ottilie blossomed from a variety of experiences, beginning with a background as a luxury events florist. Amidst the opulence of the events industry, Ottilie observed the huge amount of floral waste after each event. Inspired to make a positive change, she embarked on a journey that led her back to an old passion – bundle dyeing. It all started with bridal silk scraps, remnants of bridal gowns that she experimented with and transformed with ‘waste’ flowers into enchanting keepsakes. Ottilie’s work is an exploration of nature’s hues, where floral artistry and sustainable design intertwine, leaving a lasting impression that extends far beyond the life of a single event. To avoid textile waste, Ottilie currently works on a made to order basis: from curtains and cushions, to scrunchies, framed silk squares and anything else that can be made from natural fibres.”