In conversation with Sarah at Style and Decor.

On Monday morning I had the most wonderful live IG chat with Sarah from Style and Decor all about interiors and wellbeing.
We discussed the relationship between our wellbeing and our living space.

'The World Health Organisation states that wellbeing is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” It is our belief that wellbeing is a multifaceted term that describes the healthy, contented and prosperous condition we all aspire to.'

In short welling is all about our health, happiness and prosperity. As a result it really couldn't be more apt to where we find ourselves today living in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.

So if we look at our living space there are many things we can do to improve our wellbeing - colour, lighting, acoustics, air quality and furnishings which brought me onto learning more about Biophilic Design. Biophilic design takes inspiration from the natural world in its entirety and ultimates aims at improving our wellbeing. Nature acts as a mood booster, improving our creativity and problem solving so observing nature makes us feel part of something bigger. Interior design can influence our physical and mental wellbeing both positively and negatively and the list below are a few simples things we can do to improve our living spaces.

  1. Colour

  2. Lighting

  3. Acoustics

  4. Air quality

  5. Furnishings

Our investigations would like lead us to make improvements to:

  • optimisation and organisation of spaces with a human focus

  • thermal comfort levels

  • air quality, toxin levels and ventilation

  • acoustic comfort

  • improved natural and artificial lighting

  • internal and external views onto nature

  • the use of natural materials textures, patterns and colours

  • the incorporation of recuperative spaces

  • aesthetic environment with brand recognition

  • psychological and physiological effects of the space

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