The Art of Timeless Design: An Interview with Sarah Hardaker

The Art of Timeless Design: An Interview with Sarah Hardaker

At Truffles & Ruffles, we’re constantly inspired by the creative minds behind the designs we feature. One of those incredible minds belongs to Sarah Hardaker, @sarahhardaker a talented fabric and wallpaper designer whose work exudes timeless charm and artistry.

We were thrilled to collaborate with Sarah for our Reels Workshop last year that we hosted with Kirsty @rebuildagram. Sarah provided stunning tablecloths from her latest collection, which set the perfect stage for the event. Her vintage-inspired linens, beautifully crafted in an array of captivating colours, added elegance and warmth to our tablescape.

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Sarah to discuss her journey, inspirations, and what makes her designs so special. Here’s what she shared:

Can you share the journey that led you to become a fabric and wallpaper designer, and what inspired you to start your own brand?

I had moved to Gloucestershire in early 2000 and as freelancing for various companies.  We had just bought a house in the pretty village of Amberley and I really wanted to furnish it with my own designs.  Digital printing was just gaining traction and I felt it was a good way to go as it’s a great way to print small meterage. So I utilised the contacts I’d made over the course of my career so far to develop a base cloth and start printing!

How did working with Osborne & Little and Nina Campbell shape your design approach?

Antony Little was the most extraordinary man to work for. He really took a punt on me as I had no print background. My degree was in embroidery. But he found a place for me in the studio and really encouraged me. I was a complete square peg and often felt out of my comfort zone. I really struggled to paint in flat gouache (I still can’t !!!)  but I was pretty good at colour so I felt most comfortable up at the printing factory and I loved going up there to colour new collections.  Antony was quite naughty though and used to ask the printers to match to things like digestive biscuits!!! He sadly died at Christmas, an extraordinary man of rare talent.

Nina is a tour de force.  She has the most exceptional memory for minutiae and was/is incredibly kind and thoughtful.  She always remembered little details about your family or something you’d done which is something I’ve tried to carry forward in my own working life.  She has the most brilliant design eye and is an exceptional colourist.  She creates interiors that feel liveable. She exacting and inspirational and has been a big influence on me.

Where do you find inspiration for your collections?

Everywhere and anywhere but probably mostly via travel.  We have a tiny vintage caravan that lives in France and we potter off for a month in the summer.  I’m always inspired by the colours on doors and shutters. The patterns on tiles.  The colours and shapes of leaves.  Being away is my creative time. I fill sketchbooks with notes and ideas so when I come back the designs just flood out!  My new collection was partly inspired by a trip to Essaouira in Morocco last February. The colours were amazing. I went out for an early morning walk each day on my own watching the little city wake up.  I’ve got 2 sketchbooks of ideas to process!!!

What impact do family-owned UK manufacturers have on your quality and design?

Huge.  I’ve been with the same printers for over 15 years. We’ve become great friends as well as colleagues.  They have such integrity and take such care. And have supported me through thick and thin. They’re like family now. 

I prefer to source my base cloth from British weavers but I can’t deny that it’s definitely become much harder since Brexit.   We don’t grow flax in this country so it has to be imported which can make linen weaving a tricky prospect in the post Brexit world.  I’m lucky that the mill I work with is owned by someone who I have known for years and we have been able to navigate it all pretty well so far!

How does your custom colour-matching process work?

For a small additional fee we can re-colour our simple designs . This works really well for interior designers who are trying to work to a specific scheme.  A paint chip is usually our starting point and is ideal for the printers to match to as it’s flat!. 

Can you share how digital printing supports sustainability in your designs?

Digital is much less wasteful than conventional wet printing.  We print to order so aren’t sitting on loads of stock. Also there’s no water involved so there’s no environmental run off to deal with.

What’s a simple way for someone new to design to use your vintage-inspired linens?

I think small items such as headboards or footstools can have a really big impact in a room and if you’re scared to use lots of colour or pattern on big ticket items like curtains then this is a good place to start. 

What’s been the most rewarding part of running your design business, and what challenges have you faced?

I’ve loved working for myself while my kids were small.  Also I think it’s important that both of my kids have seen their mum work hard for what we have, in this day and age, it’s a lucky family that has a stay at home non working parent.  Most families have 2 working parents, so I’d like to think that I’ve been a good role model for being a working mum.  I didn’t think I’ve ever achieved the perfect balance but I’ve been around for the important things while maintaining a business. They’ve both had to help sometimes too and that’s a good thing!

What new projects or collections should we look out for from you?

I’ve got a lovely new collection - one of the designs from it had its first outing at one of your events.  There’s another 3 designs in the collection and I love all of them.  I’m so happy with how it came out.  I’ve got 2 new collections in planning and hopefully a foray into weaves and a relaunch of wallpapers this year too! 

Collaborating with Sarah Hardaker has been a highlight for us at Truffles & Ruffles. Her ability to blend vintage charm with contemporary style is truly unique, and her work brings so much character to any space.

Whether you’re looking for a bespoke tablecloth, a head-turning wallpaper, or a stunning linen for your home, Sarah’s designs are worth exploring.

A huge thank you to Sarah for sharing her story and talents with us. Collaborations like this one embody the spirit of Truffles & Ruffles - bringing together creativity, craftsmanship, and community.

We can’t wait to see what Sarah creates next and are already dreaming of future projects together!

A massive thank you to Malek @malekbenhamida for the gorgeous photos as always, also capturing the fabulous flower by Charlotte @grow_wild_flowers

With much love Anna and Annie xxx

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